NOTE: all basic gameplay controls are explained via in-game tutorials
- Use L1/LB or the "R" key to bring up the Quick Restart menu during a level
- VR ONLY: Hold OPTIONS/START or ESC for 1.5 seconds to recenter your view
NOTE: all gameplay explanations reference default DUALSHOCK 4 controller inputs
- Tap (X) over the white rectangular thumps to thump
- Hold (X) and use LEFT STICK to bank left/right and survive turns
- Hold (X) to slide through red bars without damage
- Execute looping patterns perfectly to fire the green energy weapon and defeat bosses
- Boss patterns loop until you defeat them
- Thump while holding UP to jump
- Hold down (X) while in the air to increase jump distance (you don't need to hold UP)
- Consecutive jumps allow you to fly and maximize your jump distance
- Press DOWN while in the air to pound
- Pounding thumps sends out a powerful shockwave
- From Level 3 on, some bosses have shields that can only be opened by a pound shockwave
- From Level 4 on, switch lanes using the LEFT STICK, or bank into barriers using LEFT STICK + (X) when lanes end
- From level 5 on, beware of laser sentries that attack if you miss a thump
- Blue gems = points
- Thump, keep holding (X), and slide through red bars to earn blue gems
- Jump into blue rings to earn blue gems
- Execute perfect turns by holding (X) and pressing LEFT STICK at the last moment for more points
When completing each sub-level, you will receive score bonuses based on your performance
- BLUE GEMS: collect as many as possible to raise your score (see ADVANCED SCORING)
- PERFECT TURNS: turn with the stick at the last moment to increase your perfect turn bonus
- NO DAMAGE: this bonus is increased for every level you survive with no damage
- NO MISSES: this bonus is increased for every level you complete without missing a thump
- KILLS: pound whenever you see tentacles ahead for bonus points
- Thump perfectly to reach 2X/3X streak multipliers and get more blue gems
- Checkpoints contain bonus-thumps, hit them to collect extra blue gems
- If you’re damaged, hitting a bonus-thump regains your shell
- Pound thumps while in 2X/3X streak to transform upcoming thumps into bonus-thumps
- Pound bonus-thumps for even more blue gems!
- Hit bosses with the green weapon on the first loop to create a bonus-thump
- Pound the green weapon on the first loop and get TWO bonus-thumps
- Collect perfect sequences of 6+ red bars and/or blue rings and get more blue gems
- Hitting turns normally stops flight, but if you "perfect turn" during flight you can keep flying through turns
When completing each sub-level, you will receive a Rank (C, B, A, or S) based on your accuracy and skill.
To improve your Rank:
- Hit all thumps
- Slide into all red bars
- Jump into all blue rings
- Avoid taking damage
- Execute perfect turns
- Hit bonus-thumps (see ADVANCED SCORING)
After you beat Level 3, you'll unlock "PLAY +" mode. You can play all nine levels again for more challenge.
Here's what's different in PLAY + mode:
- You'll play as the golden beetle
- Maximum blue gem multiplier is increased from 3X to 4X
- Movement speed increases when you reach 3X and then again at 4X
- You can only regain your lost shell from a bonus-thump if you've reached the 4X multiplier
- Levels are exactly the same, but some tutorial sections are removed
- Die once, and it's game over!
In PLAY +, you can also earn the new S+ rank. To get a S+ rank on an sub-level, you'll need to:
- Hit all thumps
- Hit all red bars
- Hit all blue rings
- Execute all turns perfectly
- Avoid any damage
To get a S+ for the entire level, you must:
- Complete the level (not die)
- Get at least an S or S+ in each sub-level
- At least 50% of your sub-level ranks must be S+